Air and Noise Sampling for Exposure Assessments and Trouble-Shooting

Organizations may have a need to conduct air and/or noise testing (noise dosimetry or shorter-term sound level measurements) from time to time. Sometimes this is referred to as “industrial hygiene exposure assessment”. This can stem from a need to conduct assessments when new materials are introduced, when new regulations (OSHA/State OSHA) or standards (ACGIH TLVs) apply, when something in production methods or control methods has changed, when persons are wearing or want to wear respiratory protection yet the organization is not sure what type of respirators (if any) might be appropriate, when there are worker complaints of exposure, or simply as part of ongoing and periodic assessments.

Do you know what materials in your workplace may pose a risk to your workers? Do you know what types of tasks and activities can result in problematic exposures? Would some sampling add a level of comfort to know that your workers are protected and/or that your ventilation controls are adequate? Or do you just need some help conducting your regularly scheduled assessments?

Our Certified Industrial Hygienists and air sampling technicians have been conducting air and noise tests for many years, using accepted NIOSH/OSHA sampling methods. We are meticulous with the techniques we use and corresponding documentation. We love this kind of stuff.

Contact Sixth Sense Safety Solutions today to discuss how we can help you!


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